Stay Safe East Vacancy – Finance Manager

Stay Safe East Finance Manager. Download the related documents below.…

Open letter to the Prime Minister regarding COVID-19 and violence against women and girls

Alongside our colleagues across the sector, we have also signed an open letter to the Prime Minister regarding COVID-19 and violence against women and girls.…

Joint VAWG sector emergency funding statement

We have signed a joint VAWG sector emergency funding statement alongside sector colleagues, urging the government to ensure that the 750m emergency funding for frontline charities meets the needs of domestic abuse services during COVID-19.…

Our briefing on the impact of COVID-19 on disabled people

We recently published our briefing on the impact of COVID-19 on disabled people. This was originally submitted as a response to the Women and Equalities Committee consultation on the impact of COVID-19 on people with protected characteristics.…

Presentation for Safe as Houses Conference October 2019

Presentation for Safe as Houses Conference October 2019: Housing Rights of Disabled Women Survivors…

London Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations Hate Crime Partnership

London Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations Hate Crime Partnership: Response to the Online Harms White Paper (June 2019)…

report by the Centre for Women’s Justice, End Violence Against Women coalition

We recently gave our input on a report by the Centre for Women’s Justice, End Violence Against Women coalition, Imkaan, and Rape Crisis England & Wales in response to the England & Wales Government’s ‘End to End’ Review of the Criminal Justice System’s Response to Rape. Click here for the large print version of the report.…

The Decriminalisation of Rape

The Decriminalisation of Rape: Why the justice system is failing rape survivors and what needs to change (November 2020)…

Stay Safe East report on policy and change work 2020

Click here to read our report on policy and change work, originally written for The Three Guineas Trust (November 2020). This outlines in more detail the work we have been doing over the past year.…

Victim’s Code consultation (28th May 2020)

Victim’s Code consultation (28th May 2020): Stay Safe East responded to the Ministry of Justice consultation on Improving the Victim’s Code. Disabled people are among the groups most affected by crime, but are least likely to report it. Read our response to the Victim’s Code consultation here.…
Velázquez Blind woman

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